Our Assurance

If you're contemplating a client relationship with us, carefully review this page. Unlike consumer products, professional services aren't guaranteed in the same way. When a retailer issues a refund, they repurchase the product, but in hypnotherapy, our time and effort have already been invested.

Instead of viewing refunds as a return of a product, we see them as an opportunity to obtain constructive feedback, equivalent to the value of up to three sessions.

To be eligible for a refund, submit a substantial complaint meeting these criteria:

Critical: Provide specific details about what went wrong. Honesty, openness, and transparency matter more than sugar-coating. We seek the genuine reasons behind your dissatisfaction.

Relevant: Your complaint should address issues within our control, such as processes, communication, or professionalism. We can't guarantee factors beyond our control or accept responsibility for expectations not aligned with our claims.

Actionable: We seek feedback to enhance our work with future clients. Personal preferences that don't generalize to others won't help us improve. Venting is fine, but we aim to understand what we can do differently in the future. Your complaint needn't be lengthy but must meet these criteria to fall under our guarantee. If you seek a refund or a free session redo, and your complaint doesn't meet these criteria, we'll ask for a resubmission (refer to the next section for examples).

If you can't describe how we fell short, our guarantee doesn't apply. In such cases, continuing your sessions until you achieve desired results is usually the best course.

These terms empower us to stand behind our work, inviting constructive criticism while preventing misuse of our goodwill. Analogously, a leather goods maker guarantees against defects but not misuse or accidental damage, distinguishing between real problems and unrealistic expectations.

Illustrative Examples

Non-qualifying complaint:

"I started smoking again, so I want a refund for my past sessions" or "the sessions were relaxing, but hypnosis didn't work for me."

These complaints lack specifics on our failures or faults. Such outcomes often result from factors beyond our control. If you can't articulate our shortcomings, our guarantee doesn't apply; continuing your sessions is usually more beneficial.

Qualifying complaint:

"During my third session, my hypnotist included poultry among the foods I can enjoy, despite my vegetarian preference. It made me feel sick, and I couldn't concentrate. I'll have to start over with a different hypnotist. You should keep better notes about dietary restrictions!"

This complaint is critical, relevant, and actionable, acknowledging our fault and providing a learning opportunity. It qualifies for a prompt refund, our apologies, and procedural improvements.